San Antonio Guardian Angels is a rescue devoted to saving the lives of puppies and expectant moms. We do occasionally take in other animals as the need arises. And since we are in San Antonio, the home of a city animal shelter that still euthanizes, there is a constant need. We are a non-profit group that operates by donations only. Our goal is to open a facility south of San Antonio on 5 acres in the next 2 years. Please click on "more" to see our beautiful angels in need of a loving home. If you can't adopt, foster. If you can't foster, please donate.

Welcome to San Antonio, Texas where we still euthanize in the city pound. We put our overflow dogs in a facility that has extremely limited access to rescues and is closed to the general public. Brooks babies don't have a chance of being found by their families. Being put in the Brooks City Base facility is a death sentence for these poor animals. Please, tell your elected officials how wrong you feel this to be. Research Brooks babies, Brooks City Base facility, ACS and Brooks....they can't hide the truth much longer. This is the secret shame of our city. We in rescue pray that our city and those responsible for the death of so many innocent souls will someday be held accountable. 12/3/2013 UPDATE Brooks is reportedly to be used as a quarantine facility only effective immediately. All in rescue are watching closely to see if that's what actually happens.